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Younger couples who cohabitate more likely to divorce study finds

On Behalf of | Mar 13, 2014 | Divorce

When people commit to spending their lives together, they also agree to share their possessions and living space. It is not always easy to untangle the many parts of a life that intertwine over the course of a marriage, and divorce naturally creates some strong emotions in people. This is especially true when child custody and distribution of property is involved, and is no different for residents of New Jersey. However, arranging a suitable divorce is still possible when the couple agrees to work together, no matter how long they have been together.

Researchers have recently clarified the link between divorce rates and premarital cohabitation. For many years, data had connected couples that moved in together before marriage with a higher divorce rate than those who waited, though the particular reasons for this remained unclear. However, when researchers compared the findings to the average age of the couples, they found that people who cohabitate before marriage at a young age – younger than 23 – have a greater chance of divorce than those who cohabitate later in life.

There are several reasons why people who pair up at a young age are more likely to separate than older couples. They may be compelled to live together for financial stability instead of emotional ties, and they may also be less experienced in choosing a suitable partner.

Although this new information resolves a long-standing point of discussion among academics and social analysts, it does not alter the fact that couples naturally grow apart. People change with time and seek new lifestyles that are different from their partner’s. Divorce remains an opportunity to start over, and being prepared for a divorce is the best action for any couple, no matter how old they are or how long they have been together.

Source: CNBC, “Best predictor of divorce? Age when couples cohabit, study says,” Stephanie Hanes, March 10, 2014


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