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Rapper Ludacris loses child custody battle

On Behalf of | Apr 17, 2014 | Child Custody

Most parents want the best for their children, but this doesn’t mean that they always agree on what that might be. For those parents who are not together, there are many areas that need consideration. Agreements on parenting time need to be reached, visitation rights need to be discussed, and child support needs to be determined. New Jersey law aims to resolve these matters fairly and in a manner that most benefits the child.

One particularly high-profile case in recent months has been that concerning rapper Ludacris. The “Fast and Furious” star has been embroiled in a child custody dispute with the mother of his 4-month-old daughter. In the course of the battle, the child’s mother sought child support payments of $15,000 a month. However, the rapper claimed he could not afford the sum and would only be able to make monthly payments of about $1,800.

Ultimately, the judge ruled on a monthly sum of $7,000. Furthermore, the rapper has been ordered to cover the mother’s legal fees. He also lost the custody battle, with the child’s mother being granted full custody of their daughter. The judge stated that it appeared to be in the best interests of the little girl for her to be with her mother.

Although this case took place in another state, it has caught the attention of the nation, and parents in New Jersey can learn from it. In matters of child custody, the child’s well-being comes first, and it is the responsibility of the parents to show that they can preserve that well-being. If you are challenged over the custody of your child, you must act quickly and wisely. An attorney can help you present your side of the story and demonstrate your suitability as a parent.

Source: Inquisitr, “Ludacris Loses Child Support Battle Against Tamika Fuller,” Meaghan Ellis, April 13, 2014


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