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Prenups may help in the event of divorce

On Behalf of | Mar 29, 2016 | High Asset Divorce

Many New Jersey residents may wonder whether creating a prenuptial agreement could be right for them. There are benefits to creating such an agreement for individuals in most situations, but there are circumstances in which a prenup could be particularly prudent to create. Individuals who wish to prepare for a possible divorce may find taking this step helpful.

A prenuptial agreement could help business owners protect their businesses should a marriage come to an end. The terms of this agreement could dictate that the owner of the business maintains complete ownership in the event of a divorce. Without such terms created and agreed upon, an ex-spouse could potentially gain shares or partial ownership of a business as part of the property division process.

A prenup could also prove useful if one parent plans to be a stay-at-home parent. Because that individual will likely not have an income of his or her own, the terms of the prenup could address potential alimony that could be paid should the couple divorce in the future. Having this information planned out in advance could save time and stress in the future during possible divorce proceedings.

There are different areas that can be addressed in prenuptial agreements that may help parties have a clearer idea about how certain proceedings may go during a divorce. Of course, these agreements may never be used if couples never go through divorce, but having them in place could help individuals feel more secure about moving forward. If New Jersey residents are interested in creating such an agreement, they may wish to find out more information.

Source:, “Marriage: 5 Signs You Need a Prenuptial Agreement”, Megan Elliott, March 24, 2016


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