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Who will have the last laugh when the Macklowes divorce?

On Behalf of | Apr 14, 2017 | High Asset Divorce

It is true that, in most instances, the ability to laugh will get one through most misfortunes in life. However, not everyone shares the same sense of humor. Many New Jersey residents will know at least one person whose jokes often fall flat, at least as far as they are concerned. Divorce is no joking matter, and in one recent divorce case a woman did not see the funny side of the actions of her wealthy husband.

Harry Macklowe, a wealthy 79-year-old real estate developer in another state was married to his wife for 58 years. At some point his wife, Linda Macklowe, became aware that her husband had a mistress. To add insult to injury for the 79-year-old woman, the businessman had apparently put his 62-year-old mistress up in an apartment less than a mile from the marital home. Ms. Macklowe and her attorneys have so far made no comment on the situation.

Meanwhile, the husband is reported to have laughed and joked about his divorce with reporters outside a civil courtroom. His fortune is reported to be $2 billion, and he allegedly offered his wife $1 billion last year. Reportedly, she filed for divorce after learning of his affair with the younger woman. Macklowe intends to marry his mistress as soon as the divorce is finalized. A Supreme Court judge has now requested that both parties move things forward.

It is unclear whether the wife’s lack of appreciation of her husband’s sense of humor played a part in the breakdown of their marriage. Many New Jersey residents have seen first-hand how much people can change over the years, and sometimes these changes can make couples grow apart. What may be seen as a delaying tactic in a divorce may actually be an opportunity to check that the figures quoted by the other spouse are accurate, in order to ensure that all property and assets are accounted for in the division of marital property.

Source:, “Harry Macklowe laughs after offering wife $1B to go away“, Julia Marsh, April 5, 2017


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