New Jersey spouses may know that ending a marriage takes a lot of careful planning. Decisions and choices made during the negotiations to reach a divorce settlement will affect the post-divorce lives of both spouses and their children. When retirement plans are split, it must be noted that Social Security may only become a sure thing after age 67, so it will not suffice as a primary source of income at a younger age.
When it comes to health insurance, the court will expect a parent who has health insurance to ensure his or her children are covered. However, if neither parent has health insurance coverage, the custodial parent might be wise to ask that the insurance premium is included in the child support. College tuition and related out-of-pocket expenses are other expenses that could be factored into child support — even if the children are still young. It might avoid having to go to court later for modifications of child support.
Another challenging decision at this time involves the marital home. Although keeping it might seem the right thing to do to ensure the minimum trauma for the children, the expense of maintaining it might be too high. It might be more beneficial to sell the house and invest in a home that is more affordable. In addition, the cost of day-to-day living expenses must be considered.
Along with all the matters related to child custody, parenting plans and other property division issues, it is easy to forget something. It can be particularly challenging for those people who have no experience with the legal system. For that reason, most divorcing spouses in New Jersey choose to utilize the skills of an experienced divorce attorney who can provide the necessary support and guidance while working toward a divorce settlement to ensure post-divorce financial stability.
Source:, “How To Negotiate the Best Possible Settlement Agreement“, Cathy Meyer, Accessed on Oct. 13, 2017