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Does parenting time have to be equally divided in divorce?

On Behalf of | Feb 6, 2018 | Child Custody

Divorce is challenging enough for couples who do not have children. It may be more so for parents. There are typically many issues that must be resolved, one of which is parenting time. New Jersey family courts generally believes children should have as much time with each parent as possible, but that doesn’t always mean the time must be split equally.

If children reside with one parent full time, it’s logical to assume they will spend more time with that parent than the other. Also, not all former spouses live a stone’s throw apart. This type of situation requires careful negotiation to ensure that kids have an opportunity to spend plenty of time with the parent who lives outside their immediate location.

Clearly, children are not property; therefore, one should never approach this aspect of divorce as though it were part of property division proceedings. Unless there is a specific reason that would bar a particular parent from spending time with his or her children, both sides must be willing to cooperate and compromise as needed, to develop a plan that is fair for both parents and good for the children’s well-being. An experienced family law attorney can protect a parent’s rights and also make sure children’s best interests are a central focus of child custody proceedings.

In New Jersey, Cipriano Law Offices, P.C., can help you overcome the obstacles that often arise regarding parenting time, such as if you want to relocate and your former spouse objects to the idea. Our legal team is fully prepared to litigate any divorce or other family law issue, especially those having to do child support, custody or visitation. If you have a particular problem you’d like to discuss, you can request a meeting by accessing the online form on our website.


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