Cipriano Law Offices, P.C.

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Perhaps mediation can help solve asset problems

On Behalf of | Mar 13, 2018 | Mediation

New Jersey spouses often encounter various problems regarding property division and assets in divorce. Since there’s a specific legal process in place, and various laws that may affect a particular situation, there is no set solution available for resolving asset problems in divorce. Each case is unique and concerned spouses typically fare best when they seek support from experienced legal advocates who can help them determine their most viable options. Sometimes, mediation is the answer.

Mediation is definitely not for everyone but often works best in situations where spouses can communicate on peaceful terms. That’s because the process generally includes multiple meetings and discussions regarding potential ways to solve asset, custody and other problems in divorce. Retirement funds, 401(k) assets and other financial issues can cause anxiety and stress; yet, willingness to amicably resolve differences and appropriate legal support can minimize stress and point the way toward an agreeable settlement.

Many people who wish to avoid potential complications in a courtroom choose to try the mediation process to solve their asset problems in divorce. If a spouse has a particular concern regarding 401(k) or retirement issues, meeting with the other spouse in a neutral setting alongside experienced negotiators may be the least stressful way to come up with a plan for solutions. Sometimes, spouses who enter mediation wind up determining litigation is necessary to help them resolve asset disputes.

If a New Jersey resident wishes to learn more about the mediation process or wants to discuss a particular issue, a request for consultation with an experienced attorney can be made. Understanding asset division in divorce, as well as knowing which documents are necessary in a given situation, such as QDRO or another court order, can be challenging if a spouse is acting without benefit of legal assistance. In fact, such assistance is often the best means toward a swift and favorable outcome.

Source:, “How to avoid mistakes dividing up 401(k)assets in divorce“, Sarah O’Brien, March 10, 2018


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