Cipriano Law Offices, P.C.

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Collaborative law: Basic info and potential benefits

On Behalf of | Dec 7, 2018 | Collaborative Law

The decision to divorce is a serious one. It’s also one that many New Jersey residents may be considering. Some people feel that it is the most viable option for their particular situations, but they hesitate because they really do not want to become entangled in long, contentious court battles. A collaborative law divorce may be something to keep in mind in such circumstances.

This format for divorce is more focused on troubleshooting and amicably resolving differences through peaceful discussion and negotiation rather than storming to court with a mindset to win. Collaboration is an alternative dispute resolution option that allows both spouses to state their needs and thoughts while agreeing to cooperate and compromise as needed in order to execute a fair and agreeable settlement. Spouses whose relationships are so strained that they can barely speak without fighting may find that another process might work better for them.

There are several potential benefits in choosing collaborative divorce. One that interests most people is that it tends to be less expensive than litigation. It also allows spouses a lot of freedom regarding the scheduling of meetings according to their own timeframes.

Whether in New Jersey or elsewhere, most people feel nervous and stressed if they have to go to court. In a collaborative law divorce, the setting is more relaxed, which helps the participants feel more comfortable. By agreeing to be open-minded, honest and fair when exchanging information during the negotiation process, spouses can avoid exorbitant costs, save time and work together to create a plan that serves the needs and best interests of everyone involved.


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