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How does New Jersey find non-custodial parents?

On Behalf of | Jul 7, 2023 | Family Law

During and after divorce, child support can become a particularly contentious and stressful issue. It is important for custodial and non-custodial parents to go over various topics, from how courts calculate child support to payment options and the penalties for failing to comply with a court order. In addition, parents should review how the state locates non-custodial parents due to child support obligations.

Failing to pay child support on time can create serious hardships for both of a child’s parents, and the state uses a number of strategies to find parents who owe support.

Ways the state locates non-custodial parents

The New Jersey Department of Human Services reports that the state can locate non-custodial parents who owe child support through state as well as nationwide databases. In addition, county offices can track down non-custodial parents by asking for information from the custodial parent, such as the other party’s full name, address, date of birth, Social Security number and the names and addresses of their family members.

Furthermore, the state reviews license plate numbers, driver’s licenses, vehicle registrations and union memberships when trying to locate non-custodial parents.

Other records used to find non-custodial parents

The Child Support Program also looks into various types of records when trying to find parents who owe child support, such as bank accounts and other financial records, insurance documents, divorce paperwork and tax returns.

Whether a parent is not receiving support they deserve or a non-custodial parent has concerns about the consequences that could arise due to missing payments, it is essential for parents to address child support issues swiftly.


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