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2 things for divorced parents to think about before summer

On Behalf of | Jan 21, 2025 | Child Custody

Summer months require some significant changes from regular schedules. For people who have a parenting plan in place, because they aren’t in a relationship with their child’s other parent any longer, the summers can be stressful as they try to navigate the custody matters. 

Certain aspects of the summer are more challenging because the parents have to ensure they’re doing what’s best for the children while complying with the child custody orders. Any parent who’s in this position may consider these two tips to help them plan for this time of year.

1. Set up childcare plans

Childcare plans are one of the most important steps in getting things ready for the summer. Parents should ensure they get the babysitter, daycare or summer camps set up before they aren’t available any longer. Each parent may choose to set up their own plans or they may work together to get the childcare set so it’s consistent all summer for the children.

2. Plan vacations early

Vacations are the highlights of many summers. Getting these plans set as early as possible is beneficial for people who have parenting plans in place. One important consideration for this is to double-check the parenting schedule to determine when the vacation can happen. In some cases, it must occur during your time with the children, but it may also take precedence over the regular schedule. 

Taking the time to get the parenting plan set up in a way that meets the needs of the children is critical. Working with someone who’s familiar with these matters may be beneficial for individuals who are going through custody issues.


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