Cipriano Law Offices, P.C.

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School and child custody arrangements

On Behalf of | Aug 9, 2016 | Child Custody

Many New Jersey couples who are getting a divorce have school age children. While they might be mindful of how parenting time will affect the child’s school schedule, they might not consider how the divorce and the schedule will affect their academics and behavior in school. This needs to be a consideration for both parents as they negotiate their child custody agreement.

Teachers can spend more time with a couple’s children than they do during the week — especially at the elementary level where they will most likely only have one teacher the majority of the time. Therefore, it might be a good idea to inform the school and the child’s teacher of the situation. Teachers can provide parents with valuable insight regarding the child’s performance at school that could influence scheduling parenting time.

Most New Jersey parents want to do what is best for their children as they develop a parenting plan. Being sensitive to their academic needs and social situation at school could require adjustments to be made before the plan can be finalized. Furthermore, it would be a good idea to inform the appropriate people at the school of the custody arrangements since many schools now have security measures in place to protect the children.

School will be an important part of a child’s life for several years, and parents can take steps to ensure that the changes that accompany divorce have as little impact as possible on this area. Child custody agreements are about much more than a calendar schedule and child support. They can also include other agreements between the parents that will help with the transition from one household to two and give the children the best possible start to this new life.

Source: The Huffington Post, “Do You Worry How Divorce Will Affect Your Child In School?“, Laurie Hollman, July 28, 2016


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