Cipriano Law Offices, P.C.

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Mediation and negotiation keys to collaborative law settlements

On Behalf of | Dec 27, 2017 | Collaborative Law

Not everyone who divorces in New Jersey does so through long, drawn-out battles in courtrooms. Many people set goals for finding alternative dispute resolution processes that can help them achieve amicable settlements without the time and expenses of litigation. Collaborative law allows people to get help to negotiate the terms of their own divorce settlements.

There are many reasons spouses might choose this form of dispute resolution for divorce. For starters, it can be a big money-saver since litigation tends to be quite expensive. Collaborative efforts also often take less time than navigating the family court process.

Basically, collaborative dispute resolution involves spouses agreeing to meet to discuss pertinent issues and negotiate fair and agreeable solutions. If a particular couple has trouble communicating in a peaceful manner, this type of dispute resolution might not be the best choice. Mediation and arbitration are also options. In either case, it is typically best to ask an experienced attorney to act on one’s behalf as most attorneys are also highly skilled negotiators who can help secure the best outcomes possible for their clients.

When New Jersey spouses use collaborative law to create the terms of their divorces, they need only seek the court’s approval once a written agreement has been achieved. If the collaborative process is begun but a problem arises that can’t be resolved, then litigation may be the next step toward a settlement. Anyone with questions about the collaborative law process or another divorce-related issue can reach out for support by requesting a meeting with an experienced family law attorney in the area.

Source: FindLaw, “What is Mediation and Collaborative Law?“, Accessed on Dec. 27, 2017


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